Assam Agricultural University declare Written Test shortlisted & Release Admit Card for the post of Subject Matter Specialist for KVKs
The Written Test for shortlisting of candidates for the post of Subject Matter Specialist for KVKs under AAU will be held at 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm on 9th September, 2017 in the Academic Complex, AAU, Jorhat. The list of eligible candidates are furnished herewith. Individual call letters have already been issued. The candidates may also download the Admit Card from the AAU website, on or after 18th August 2017.
Candidates may download their admit cards from & Short List the link given below:
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Instructions to the candidates:
1. The candidates may check the seating arrangements displayed at the test site.
2. The candidates are required to bring with them blue/black ball pen for ticking(ü) the correct answers.
3. Candidate’s Roll Number should be written clearly on the answer sheet.
4.There shall be no negative markings.
5. The candidates are required to take seats at least 15 minutes prior to commencement of the test and no candidates shall be allowed to enter/leave the examination hall 15 minutes after/before commencement/completion of the test.
6. Use of calculator, mobile phone, pager, tab, bag, pencil box etc. is strictly prohibited inside the examination hall.
7. Misbehaviour with invigilators or indulging in any unfair means during the test will make a candidate ineligible for short-listing for the personal interview.
8. In the event of any information being found false, incorrect or incomplete or ineligibility being detected in process of the examination will lead to rejection of candidature.