Assam Police Admit Card 2015, Constable Call Letter
Assam Police Department announced the recruitment notification for recruitment of various constables about 6748 vacant posts. Every year Assam Police conducts the recruitment for vacant posts; this year also Assam Police Department announced the recruitment Assam Police Recruitment 2015. So many candidates already applied for these posts. This department conducts written test and Physical test for the eligible and applied candidates. Now all the candidates are eagerly waiting for their Assam Police Admit Card 2015. Applied candidates wants to know more details about Assam Police admit Card 2015 can check in its official website like
Assam Police Constable admit card for written examination has released. Bio metric capture Date and Written Exam date is mentioned on admit card only. You can use your roll number & date of birth or Name, surname, DOB and Mobile number or Name, Surname, DOB and District to download Assam Constable admit card from through direct link below.
PET and PST has postponed due to Elections. fresh dates along with admit card/ hall ticket will be released soon.
Click here for Download Admit Card (To be Available Shortly)