Scholarship Title: Award of Junior College Scholarship 2016-17 under Secondary Education, Assam
Apply Mode: Offline
Last Date: 31-12-2016
Applications are invited from all the eligible students reading in class XI-XII during the year 2016-17 of Junior College (Govt./Govt. Aided only) in two categories.
Scholarship Details
Name of Scholarship: Junior College Scholarship 2016-17
Qualification: XI-XII
1. securing 55% to 59%
Award: Rs. 500
2. securing 60 % and above
Award: Rs. 600
How to apply: Application as per format given below must be submitted by the student to the respective Inspector Schools through the principal of Junior College on or before 30.11.2016. The Inspector of Schools after proper scrutiny will submit the application to the Office of the Director of Secodary Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-19 on or before 31.12.2016. Bank AC in the name of student is compulsory.
Important Date:
Last Date: 32-12-2016
Important Link
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