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Directorate of Library Services, Assam Recruitment 2017- Junior Assistant, Counter Attendant and Librarian posts


Directorate  of Library Services, Assam Recruitment 2017: Applications  are  invited  from  Indian  citizens  in Standard Form  as  published  in Part  IX  of Assam Gazette  for filling  up  the  posts mentioned  below  for  Sub-Divisional  Library,  Kaliabor  under  the Directorate  of  Library Services, Assam .

Apply Mode: Offline
Last Date: 20-06-2017
Name of the post:
1. Sub-Divisional  Librarian
2. Junior Assistant
3. Counter Attendant

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Vacancy Details
1. Sub-Divisional  Librarian
No. of post: 01 posts
Scale  of Pay:- Rs.  14000-49000 plus Grade Pay Rs.  8700/-
i) Bachelor  degree  in  any  discipline  along with Bachelor/Master  degree  in Library   &  Information Science  from  any  recognized  university.
ii) Having certificate and proficiency in Computer skills in use like MS Office, Internet  e-mail  correspondence  etc.  along with  computer  application experience  in  library  field.
2. Junior Assistant
No. of post: 01 post
Scale  of Pay:- Rs.  14000-49000 plus Grade Pay Rs.  5600/-
i) Bachelor  degree  from any  recognized  university.
ii) Having certificate and proficiency  in computer skills  in use  like MS Office, Internet  e-mail  correspondence  etc.
3. Counter Attendant
No. of post: 01 post
Scale  of Pay:- Rs.  14000-49000 plus Grade Pay Rs.  5000/-
i) HSLC examination passed  from any  recognized Board/Council or passed any  examination  declared  equivalent  thereof  by  the Govt.
ii) Having  certificate  and  experience  in  computer  application.
Age limit: Candidates must  not  be  less  than  18  years  and more  than  38  years  of  age  as  on  1st  January,  2017. Relaxation of age  for candidates of SC/ST and all other categories will be as per Govt. Rules  in existence. However.  as  per O.M. ABP.06/2016/04  dt.  03/03/2016,  the Govt.  have  decided  to  revise  the  upper  age limit  for  entry  into  government  services  by  five  years  from  the  existing  38  years. The  candidates  of SC/ ST and all other  categories who have already been enjoying  relaxation  in upper age  limit, may be add  the five  years  to  their  existing  relaxed  upper  age  limits.  This  relaxation  of  upper  age  limit  for  entry  into government  service  shall  be  applicable  only  to  those  candidates who  have  attained  the  necessary educational  and  other  qualifications  prior  to  crossing  of  their  existing  upper  age  limit  of  38  years.
Application Fee: The  candidates who  have  no BPL  certificate must  submit  Treasury Challan  of Rs.  250/-  belonging  to General  category and Rs. 150/-belonging  to SC, ST and OBC  category. The amount of  fee will have  to be deposited  in  the Head  of Account  “0070  other Administrative Services”. Candidates  having BPL  certificate and  candidates  having  caste  certificate  of SC, ST  and OBC  category must  submit  copy  of  respective certificate  attesting  by  self with  his  application.
How to apply:
i)Application  along with  self  attested  copies  of  all  testimonials  in  support  of  their  qualification,  computer education, age,  caste etc. and  two  copies of passport  size photograph of  candidates must  reach  the office of  the undersigned on or before 30th  June, 2017.
ii) Candidates  already  in Govt.  service  should  apply  through  proper  channel.
iii) Candidate must  have  registered  his  name  in Employment Exchange  and Registration Number with  date must be mentioned  in his application. Self attested  copy of Employment Exchange Registration Card must also  be  submitted  along with  the  application.
iV) All applicable points in the application form must be filled up properly. Incomplete and late receipt application will  be  rejected without  giving  intimation  to  the  candidate.
v) One  self  addressed  envelope  of  I  lcm  x  25cm  size  affixing  thereupon  postal  stamp  of Rs.  5/-  only  should be  furnished  along with  the  application.
vi) Candidates will  have  to  super  scribe  the  name  of  the  post  applied  for  at  the  top  of  the  sealed  envelope carrying  the  application  form.
Address: Director of Library Services, Assam, Guwahati-781003
Important Date
Last Date: 30-06-2017
Important Link

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