Name of the post: Protocol Officer, Protocol Assistant ,Protocol Attendant
Number of post: 15 posts
Apply Mode: Online
Last Date: 07-06-2016
Online applications are invited till 3 pm of 07-06-2016 from citizens of India for filling up of the following posts for District & Session Judge Establishments of Sonitpur, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar, Cachar and Golaghat districts. The number of vacancies shown is indicative only and may vary at the time of final selection. The posts are unreserved open category posts.
Vacancy Details:
Name of the post:
1. Protocol Officer
2. Protocol Assistant
3. Protocol Attendant
Number of the post: 15 posts
1. Protocol Officer: 05 Posts
2. Protocol Assistant: 05 Posts
3. Protocol Attendant: 05 Posts
Age limit: Category wise age limits for the posts as on the last date of receipt applications, is as under
1. General- 18 to 38 yrs
2. OBC/MOBC- 18 to 41 yrs
3. SC/ST- 18 to 43 yrs
4. PWD- 18 to 48 yrs
Educational Qualification:
Graduation with six months Diploma in travel/tourism management or hospitality management from any UGC recognized university for Post 1., Graduation for Post 2. Passed Class-VIII for Post 3
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test and interview.
Application Fee: Rs. 360/- for General & Rs. 180/- for SC/ ST/ PWD .
How to apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website from 23-05-2016 at 02:00 PM to 07-06-2016 by 03:00 PM.
Last Date: 07-06-2016
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