Directorate of Technical Education, Assam (DTE Assam) declare written exam result for Junior Assistant and Assistant Store Keeper posts: In reference to the advertisements vide Janasanjyog/1003/17 [T E(Ii)A- 15/2017/2099-2102 dated 29/04/2017], & Janasanjyog/4978/17 1003/17 dated 11/07/2017, the candidates bearing the following Roll Numbers arc shortlisted [on the basis of the score of the written test held on 30th July,2017] for appearing in the Computer proficiency Test to be held on 30/08/2017.
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It is to be noted that the short listed candidates will have to be present for verification of documents [pertaining to qualification, DoB, domicile certificate of Assam, caste/ category, status of PWD (as applicable) and any other relevant documents] on 24/08/2017 & 25/08/2017 at Assam Engineering Institute, Chandmari, Guwahati. The details will be made available at www.dteassam.in . Duly verified candidates only will be allowed to download the Admit Card for the Computer Proficiency Test.
The Admit Cards to the candidates indicating the test venue and instructions for Computer proficiency test can be downloaded from our website www.dteassam.in from 26/08/2017.
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