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Educational Notice for Director of Medical Education, Assam

by Job News Assam
Applications are invited from candidates seeking admission into the Paramedical Courses in the Institutes namely Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Guwahati; Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Dibrugarh, Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Silchar, Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Jorhat and Institute of Paramedical Sciences, Barpeta for the Session 2015 in prescribed forms which can be downloaded from the official website of the Directorate of Medical Education, Assam i.e www.dmeassam.gov.in . Duration of the Course and Institute wise distribution of seats, quota / reservation of seats, eligibility criteria for applying for the courses have been shown herewith. However, in the event of any increase of seats in the existing Institutes or in any new Institute started, the seat distribution may change which shall be published in due course of time.

I. Duration of Course and Institute wise distribution of seats:

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The following quota / Reservation of seats shall be applicable in prospect of admission to the
paramedical courses.

(i) S.C – 7%

(ii) S.T(P) – 10

(iii) S.T.(H) – 5%

(iv) OBC/MOBC- 15%

(v) Sons / daughter of Socially, Economically and Educationally backward classes ordinarily residing in areas covered by the Assam State Char Development authority. -3%

(vi) Children of Tea-Garden / Ex-Tea Garden Tribes -3%

(vii) Unemployed Family Quota.-7%

(viii) Physically Handicapped.-3%


(i) Passport size photograph pasted on the form in the space provided, attested by a Gazetted Officer. The signature of the Gazetted Officer should be partly on the photograph and partly on the body of the application form.

(ii) Admit Card of H.S.L.C. Examination (Age proof)

(iii) Mark Sheet and Certificate of HSLC and final HSSLC or equivalent Examinations

(iv) Cast Certificate (Wherever applicable)

(v) Permanent Resident Certificate of Assam

(vi) Certificate in Support of Quota applied for (Wherever applicable)

(vii) Unemployed Family Quota Certificate recently issued by local ML A (If applicable)


(i) Be a Citizen of India

(ii) Be a permanent Resident of Assam and must furnish a Certificate to this effect.

(iii) The provision of Permanent Resident Certificate shall not be applicable to the wife / Husband / Sons / Daughters of the employees of the Government of Assam.

(iv) The minimum qualification for selection of the Candidates is HSSLC (Sc.) (10+2) or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology with a minimum of 45% of marks in the mentioned subjects taken together for General Candidates and 40% for SC, ST(P), ST(H), OBC / MOBC Candidates.

(v) Age: Students have to be in the age limit of 17-24 years on 31st December of the year of Admission. Upper age limit is relaxable by 3 years for SC, ST(P), ST(H), OBC / MOBC Candidates.

Applicants must submit / send the filled up Application forms along with the required documents as mentioned above through Registered / Speed Post of Indian Postal Service in the following address. Office of the Directorate of Medical Education, Assam.
Sixmile, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022.

The authority will not be responsible for loss of application form in transit

The duly filled in applications must reach the office of the Directorate of the Medical Education, Assam on or before, 31st August 2015.

Selection of Candidates for the Courses and the Institutes will be made as per merit by the process of counseling to be held later on which will be notified through newspapers and the official website of the Directorate of Medical Education, Assam

N.B. (1) Candidates should super scribe on the top of the envelope as ‘‘Application for Paramedical Course”.

(2) No application will be entertained after last date of submission of application form by post or by hand.

(3) Any further notification regarding admission into paramedical courses for the session 2015 will also be available in the official website of Directorate of Medical Education Assam.

Director of Medical Education, Assam.

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