As communicated by NIOS, those candidates who have made the payment and are yet to receive the payment update status shall immediately contact the concered bank for acknowledging the receipt of the payment and send email to rdguwahati@nios.ac.in by mentioning the reference number of updation. The teachers who have already registered and want to correct their UDISE code can do so by log into the system with the option of update UDISE in the website – www.nios.ac.in. For any query and any further information, it is required to send an e-mail to rdguwahati@nios.ac.in. The Head Master/head Teacher/Principal of LP/UP/HS/HSS schools are also directed to ensure the registration of all elementary level untrained teachers of their respective institutions and to authenticate the registration in the NIOS portal.
Elementary Education Department, Assam Publish New Notification for NIOS- D.EI.Ed course, Sep 2017
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India vide letter no No.F.No.18-1/ 2015.EE- 4,dated 12th September 2017 has communicated that the relaxation for enrolment of untrained in-service elementary teachers of Assam who are recruited beyond 10th August 2017 has been granted for registration for undergoing D.EI.Ed in the NIOS portal till 30th September 2017.
In pursuance of aforesaid communication, all elementary teachers are hereby directed to register in the NIOS portal (www.nios.ac.in or www.dled.nios.ac.in ) for undergoing D.EI.Ed course positively by 30th September 2017 without fail which is the last date for registration. The untrained teachers, who fail to register within 30th September, 2017 are liable to face removal/dismissal procedure against them. All learners of D.EI.Ed program shall note that any issues regarding correction/verification by Head Master/Head Teachers/Principals shall be submitted through an email in the official email ID of NIOS – info@nios.ac.in
As communicated by NIOS, those candidates who have made the payment and are yet to receive the payment update status shall immediately contact the concered bank for acknowledging the receipt of the payment and send email to rdguwahati@nios.ac.in by mentioning the reference number of updation. The teachers who have already registered and want to correct their UDISE code can do so by log into the system with the option of update UDISE in the website – www.nios.ac.in. For any query and any further information, it is required to send an e-mail to rdguwahati@nios.ac.in. The Head Master/head Teacher/Principal of LP/UP/HS/HSS schools are also directed to ensure the registration of all elementary level untrained teachers of their respective institutions and to authenticate the registration in the NIOS portal.
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All other terms and conditions as notified vide no AEE.296/2017/6 dated 1st September 2017 by Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Elementary Education Department and published as newspaper advertisement on 6th September 2017 will remain same.
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