It is information to all concerned that the Assam Public Service Commissioner will hold the interview/ viva-voce for the post as per programmer given below at its office at Jawaharnagar Khanapara, Guwahati -22
1. Station Officer under Fire & Emergency Service , Assam Home (B) Deptt
Date of Interview & Physical Test : 28-09-2015
Time of Interview : 12.00 Noon
No intimation letter . repeat no intimation letter to the eligible candidates shall be sent separately by post. The intimation letter shall be uploaded in APSC’s website ( on 16-09-2015. The candidates shall have to download their own Intimation letter from the aforesaid website. Any query in this regard shall be entertained over telephone No. 0361-363117 during office hours w.e.f 21-09-2015