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Interview Schedule for the post of Administrative Assistant under NHM, Assam


National Health Mission, Assam has released notification for interview schedule of selected candidates for the post of Administrative Assistant. According to the notice, the candidates who have applied under the advertisement NHM/Esstt/Adv/2512/2015-16/2010 dated 04/05/2017, for the post Administrative Assistant on contractual basis under National Health Mission, Assam, that the date of interview of the provisionally shortlisted candidates is fixed as per schedule below:

Name of Post
Date of Interview
Reporting Time
Time of Interview
Administrative Assistant
15th June 2017
10:00 AM
10:30 AM onwards
Office of the Mission Director, NHM, Assam, Saikia Commercial Complex, Christianbasti, Guwahati-5

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The provisionally shortlisted candidates shall have to bring all original testimonials with a set  of  self-attested  photocopies  of  the  testimonials  to  appear  the  interview.  No  separate  call letter  will  be  issued  and  no  TA/DA  will  be  paid  for  attending  the  interview.  Please  visit  the website  www.nrhmassam.in   for details.

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Important date:
Date of interview: 15th June 2017

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