As authorized by the Govt. of Assam, the Medical Entrance Examination (MEE), 2016 for admission to First Year MBBS/BDS courses in the colleges of the State of Assam shall be conducted by Dibrugarh University on 16th and 17th July, 2016 in the Centres as given in the Information Brochure.
Information Brochure, Online Application Form, Fee Structure and Forms required during counselling for admission will be available in the websites and from 3rd June to 17th June 2016. Candidates are advised to read the Instructions for filling up the Online Application Form and the Information Booklet carefully before filling up the Online Application Form. The Dibrugarh University shall not be responsible for rejection of candidature at the time of counselling due to non-fulfilment of eligibility criteria and/or entry of wrong information in the Online Application Form. A recent postcard size coloured photograph of the candidate with Roll Number and signature at the bottom must be submitted by the candidate to the examination conducting authority in the examination hall during the examination of Paper-I (Physics). For detailed information candidates are advised to refer to the Information Brochure.
Notification For Medical Entrance Examination (MEE), 2016
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