PNRD Assam Call Letter 2018 For Document Verification: Accredited Engineer/ District MIS Manager/ Account Assistant/ Block MIS Manage/ Gram Panchayat Coordinator: Department of Panchayat and Rural Development, Assam has Result & Call Letter for Document varification post of Accredited Engineer/ District MIS Manager/ Account Assistant/ Block MIS Manage/ Gram Panchayat Coordinator. candidates with reference to the advertisement vide order no DRD – 15/147/12/177, dated 14 August 2017 for the recruitment of the following posts:
1. Accredited Engineer
2. Account Assistant
3. District MIS Manager
4. Goan Panchayat Coordinator
5. Block MIS Manager
How to Download PNRD Assam Admit card
Candidate Download Call Letter for Document Verification Given below link
1. Accredited Engineer
2. Account Assistant
3. District MIS Manager
4. Goan Panchayat Coordinator
5. Block MIS Manager