It is for general information that
as per hon ble Gauhati High court order dated 07.09.2015 passed in he writ petition (c) No. 5317/2015 filed by Ali Abdul Matin & 64 others -versus- State of Assam & others, the fresh tests for recruitment for the posts of A.B. Constables in Assam Police in respect of Dhubri district which was scheduled to start from 10.09.2015 is hereby postponed untill further order (.)
as per hon ble Gauhati High court order dated 07.09.2015 passed in he writ petition (c) No. 5317/2015 filed by Ali Abdul Matin & 64 others -versus- State of Assam & others, the fresh tests for recruitment for the posts of A.B. Constables in Assam Police in respect of Dhubri district which was scheduled to start from 10.09.2015 is hereby postponed untill further order (.)
The fresh dates will be announced
later on for information of the candidates (.)
later on for information of the candidates (.)
Sd /- Chairman
SLPRB, Assam
SLPRB, Assam
ADGP(T&AP), Assam
Ulubari, Guwahati-7