Postponed Notice for ASTC Examination On 11.02.2018 – APO/ JE/ Foreman/ UDA/ LDA/ SA/ Auditor posts: This is for general information to all the eligible candidates who have applied for the various posts viz. APO/ Junior Engineer (Civil)/ Foreman (Automobile)/ Internal Auditor/UDA/LDA/ Section Assistant at Assam State Transport Corporation and some of them also meanwhile downloaded the admit cards that the date of written test fixed on 11.02.2018 has been postponed since it is informed by the State Government in SAD has fixed the same date for written test for the posts of computer operator in Assam Civil Secretariat .
Therefore, keeping in view the interest of candidates those who have applied for the posts in ASTC as well as in Assam Civil Secretariat could get the opportunity to appear in both the written tests. Further, it is made clear to all candidates applied for the posts in ASTC that they will be able to appear with the same admit card of which downloading process is going on, in the same examination centre mentioned in the admit cards in the next date of written test of ASTC to be declared and notified soon.
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