Name of the post: Peon (Night Chowkidar)
No. of post: 01 no.
Eligibility: Class VIII pass
Apply Mode: Offline
Last Date: 04-02-2016
Applications in Standard Form as published in Part- IX of the Assam Gazette are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up of the following post in the Office of the Asstt. Executive Engineer (Agri) under District Agriculture Office, Karimganj.
Vacancy Details:
Name of the post: Peon (Night Chowkidar)
No. of post: 01 No. (STP)
Scale of pay: PB I Rs. 4,560/- to 15,000/- GP 1500/-
Qualification: VIII pass
Selection Procedure: Written Test Oral interview
Applications duly filled up and signed by the candidate completes in all respects should submit to the Office of the undersigned by hand on or before 04-02-2016 upto 4.15 P.M
Terms & Conditions –
1) Applicant must be an Indian citizen.
2) The applicant must have registered their names in Employment Exchange and the
registration No. & date must be mentioned in their application.
3) Applicant must not be less than 18 years and more than 43 (as per Govt, norms) years of age as on 01-01-2016.
4) Applicants, who are already in Govt, service should submit application through proper
channel with NOC duly issued from the employer.
5) Date, venue & time etc for Written Test/Oral interview for the eligible candidates will be notified in due course in local News paper & DAO Office Notice Board. No individual call letter will be issued.
6) Applications found incomplete will be rejected without assigning any reasons. No application will be entertained after the last date fixed.
7) No TA and DA will be paid for appearing in the written test/interview.
8) Following testimonials must be submitted along with the application.
a) Self attested copies of Mark sheets/Certificates in support of educational qualification,
age, caste certificate (from appropriate authority), Employment Exchange Registration Card and address proof etc.
b) 3 copies of recent passport size photograph duly signed by the candidates on the reverse side.
c) Two character certificate one from well known person and another from Gazetted Officer.
9) He should be physically fit for night duty (medical certificate to be enclosed).
10) The incumbent will be covered by NPS
11) Canvassing directly or indirectly in any form will be disqualified.