SCERT declare result for Laboratory Assistant, L.D.A, Stenographer, Librarian Work, Technician, Graduate Instructor, Experience Teacher, Craft Instructor, Manual Instructor, Hindi Teacher, Normal Instructor, Pre-Primary Trained Graduate Teacher, Matron, Physical Instructor, Drawing Instructor, Music Teacher, Principal posts
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It is for general information of all concerned that as per this office advertisement vide No. Janasanyog/10031/15 dated 30-11-2015 and in pursuance of Govt. approval vide letter No. AEE.461/2014/Pt.I/13 dated 01.08.2016 the list of selected candidates for appointment for different categories of non-gazetted vacant posts under the Directorate of SCERT, Assam after holding the written examination on 24.01.2016 and Viva-Voce w.e.f. 16.02.2016 to 18.02.2016 is hereby declared and the selected candidates are requested to download their appointment letter along with the undertaking from the website http://scertonline.in and requested to join in their respective place of posting within the stipulated time.
Candidates Check list given below link…
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