It is for information of all the candidates who had been declared to be eligible for Viva-Voce for the Post of Ward Boy and Peon under the establishment of Superintendent, Assam medical College
Hospital, Dibrugarh vide earlier advertisement No. MCH/2015/13184 dtd. 14/09/2015, published in The Dainik Janambhumi and The Assam Tribune is re-scheduled as follows :
SI. No.
Name of the Post
Date & Time of Interview
Ward Boy
from 9-00 AM onwards
Oil Lecture Hall Complex,
Assam Medical College Hospital. Dibrugarh |
The candidates are to appear the Viva-Voce on the specific day with all the original documents and the original admit card of the written test.
No individual communication will be made regarding the interview. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing the interview.
The Roll Numbers of the eligible candidates for Viva-Voce are available in the website of Assam Medical College Hospital, Dibrugarh and also in the Notice Board of the Office of the undersigned.
Assam Medical College Hospital