It is informed to all candidates who applied for the post of Jr. Asstt/LDA of different prov. HS/HSS (16 Nos.) under Inspector of Schools. DDC, Mangaidai that the Written test will be held on 20.01.2016 from 11 AM TO 1.00 PM in the following Schools/
College of Mangaidai Town.
College of Mangaidai Town.
1) Mangaidai Govt. H.S. School
2) Mangaidai Town Girls’H.S. School
3) Don Bosco High School, Mangaidai
4) Mangaidai Town High School
5) Mangaidai Vidyapith
6) Santipur Girls’High School
7) Mangaidai Coilegiate High School
8) Mangaidai Girls’ College
8) Mangaidai Girls’ College
The Computer skill test and viva voce will be held on 22nd, 23rd. 25th, 27th, and 28th January/2016 schoolwise at Govt. H.S. School, Mangaidai from 9 AM onwards.
The candidates are informed to collect the admit card from concerned schools where applied to apear in the written test etc.