The D.C. Office, Dhemaji do hereby decleares the results of the written Test for the Posts of Jr. Accountant in the Tresury Office, Demaji conducted by D.C Office on 18-10-2015
The following Candidates whose Roll Nos. are shown below are decleared to have qualified in the Wrtten Test. The qualifed canddated wll be intimated for computer Test and viva through India Speed Post. The schedule of Computer Test and Viva-Voce will be as below:
Roll Nos. 01, 07, 46, 52, 69, 81, 85, 112
Date of Computer Test & Interview: 14-12-2015
Place of Computer Test & Interview: Conference Hall, D.C. Office, Dhemaji
If any of the short listed candidates does not receive the Call Letter may contract Treasury Officer, Dhemaji during office hours before Interview. All candidates are requested to bring their orginal certificates and testimonials pertaining to the proof of qualification, Age, Cast, PRC at Interview.