It is for general information to all concerned that the result of the written test for the non-gazetted vacant posts under the Directorate of SCERT Assam held on 11.01.2015 is declared and the candidates are hereby requested to visit for the result.
All qualified candidates are requested to appear in the Viva-Voce as per the Date, Time and Venue mentioned in the website The candidates must bring his/her ad ml card of the written examination and all original testimonials along with a set of self attested photocopies far verification in the Interview Board at the time of Viva-Voce. The qualified candidates can download their call letters from the website for Viva-Voce. No individual call letters will be issued m the regard. No TA/DA is admissible tor attending the interview.
In view of Govt, order vide letter No. AEE/303/2015/125 dated CM 04.09.2015 and In view of the roaster position to the post of LDA (H.O.), Physical Instructor. Music Teacher. Pnncipal and Drawing Instructor, it is decided mat recruitment process of these cadres have been cancelled with immediate effect and the posts win be re-3dverttsed afresh along with the other vacant posts. The candidates who applied earlier tor the said posts in response to the earlier advertisement in the daily news papers vide Janasanyog 779/14. dated 21 09 2014 need not apply again and their candidature will be considered as fresh.
If any discrepancies arises, candidates are requested to bring the matter to the notice of the undersigned within 7-days of publishing of this news which has its seep? to rectify if otherwise found genuine daim No any claims will be entertained beyond tee said period