It is for general information to all candidates concerned who have appeared in the Written Examination for various posts under the Directorate of Social bWelfare, Assam published vide Advertisement No. DSW(ICDS) G/57/2012/88, dtd. 24-02-2014 and No. DSW(ICDS) G/57/2012/89, dtd.24-02-2014 under the Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam, Uzanbazar, Guwahati-1 held on dtd. 13th December,2015, the following candidates are short listed for appearing in the Viva-Voce to be held at Govt. BDS Deaf & Dumb School, Kahilipara, Guwahati-19 on the Date & Time shown against their Roll No. & Post applied for.
The candidates can also view the results in the Social Welfare Department, Assam Website: www.socialwelfareassam.com Candidates have to produce the Admit Card of the Written Test held on dtd. 13-12-2015 and Photo Identity Proof in the above mentioned venue. They have to bring with them all Original documents supporting Qualification along with Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, Other Qualification Certificate including Experience Certificates etc. in Original, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the Viva-Voce. For the post of Junior Assistant & LDA-cum-Typist candidate have to appear in the Computer Test on the same day.